The reviews are coming and the verdict is in: Brotha Lynch Hung’s latest offering and Strange Music debut, Dinner and a Movie is a critical success! gives the album a 9/10 overall score, and says “It’s not just a good [Brotha Lynch Hung] album or a good hardcore/horrorcore album, it’s a great album – period.” The reviewer, Pedro Hernandez, went on to add, “hip-hop has always been about expression and how one expresses themselves. Brotha Lynch Hung has mastered the art.” also reviewed the album and gives it 4 1/2 stars out of 5. The reviewer, Jake Paine, says: “Brotha Lynch Hung’s interests separate him from most of his peers, but within his Horror-raps are intricate rhyme schemes and a lot of truth about his views on society. Strange Music succeeds in slowing down the rigorous rhyme writer enough to offer his most comprehensive album since Season of da Siccness.” He concludes: “Regardless of what one thinks about the slashings, the bondage, and the eating habits suggested within Dinner and a Movie’s rhymes, the honesty and delivery that mixes with the Horror make this album both a brilliant comeback story, and a career milestone.”