Theatrical, mysterious, and downright dangerous, Slipknot has been stunning live audiences for years with their over the top performances and monstrous music.
It’s not surprising then that the king of hip hop theatrics, Tech N9ne, would find common ground with the metal collective and join the maggots in celebrating Slipknot’s music. recently asked Tech N9ne to share his first experience with Slipknot as part of a new feature dedicated to the first time famous musicians heard the nine-piece crew from Iowa.
Recalling the first time he witnessed the insanity live, Tech explained why Slipknot took him by surprise:
I saw them live, and I was like, “What the fuck?” Their show blew me away. I was a fan before they blew up, and I’ve followed them since their first album. DJ Starscream is my homeboy, and what he and the guys in Slipknot created is a wonderful clusterfuck of music. I look forward to hopefully working with them someday.
Others interviewed included Rob Zombie, Kerry King Of Slayer, Chris Jericho, Scott Ian of Anthrax, and many more. Following his recent run-in with Slipknot at Mayhem Fest, Tech N9ne’s comments are sure to spark more speculation on the long-waited collaboration.
Click here to read the full feature.